Lopez Zunini, R., Baart, M., Samuel, A. G., & Armstrong, B. C. (2022). Lexico-semantic access and audiovisual integration in the aging brain: Insights from mixed-effects regresion analyses of event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.108107
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investigated how aging modulates lexico-semantic processes in the
visual (seeing written items), auditory (hearing spoken items) and
audiovisual (seeing written items while hearing congruent spoken items)
modalities. Participants were young and older adults who
performed a delayed lexical decision task (LDT) presented in blocks of
visual, auditory, and audiovisual stimuli. Event-related potentials
(ERPs) revealed differences between young and older adults despite
older adults’ ability to identify words and pseudowords as accurately
as young adults. The observed differences included more focalized
lexico-semantic access in the N400 time window in older relative to
young adults, stronger re-instantiation and/or more widespread activity
of the lexicality effect at the time of responding, and stronger
multimodal integration for older relative to young adults. Our results
offer new insights into how functional neural differences in older
adults can result in efficient access to lexico-semantic representations across the lifespan.
Keywords: lexico-semantic access, multisensory integration, aging, mixed-effects, lexical decision
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